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Advantages of MCN Healthcare’s Policy Management Software

MCN Policy Management Software

Advantages of MCN Healthcare’s Policy Management Software

Many healthcare organizations are making the leap from paper documents or the use of a shared drive to a policy and procedure management software system.  There are many advantages to a policy management software such as ease of access, search ability, version control, archiving, automation of the policy approval process (no more shuffling paper from one desk to the next) and competency assessment.

MCN Healthcare has over 28 years of healthcare experience that has guided the development of our policy management software system.  Healthcare organizations choose MCN Healthcare’s policy management system in order to consolidate their policy workflow, save valuable time and to support the healthcare organization’s accreditation and regulatory compliance efforts. Developed by MCN’s experienced staff of clinical and IT professionals, Policy Manager is designed to meet the specific needs of the healthcare industry.

Policy Manager helps transform the user workflow by consolidating all policy search, update, edit and approval tasks within the system. PSLMC’s Outcomes Coordinator highlighted the Policy Manager’s customizable policy approval workflows, which allows department managers, committee chairs and others with approval responsibility to keep all participants on task within schedule. “With Policy Manager, I always know the status of every policy in review, and I can instantly reach out to individual committee members for any overdue tasks.  MCN and Policy Manager have transformed what used to be a very time-consuming and fragmented workflow into one that’s a faster, more accurate and more efficient.”

If you would like to see how MCN Healthcare’s Policy Manager Software is helping healthcare organizations across the country and internationally manage their policy and procedure workflow processes more effectively and efficiently, please call us at (800) 538 – 6264 or request a free DEMO.

“MCN and Policy Manager have transformed what used to be a very time-consuming and fragmented workflow into one that’s faster, more accurate and more efficient.”   Outcomes Coordinator for PSLMC



Regulatory Compliance Solutions for Healthcare Organizations,
Including Policy Management SoftwarePolicy Library Templates,
StayAlert! – Regulatory Alert System, and Learning Management System



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